DEPSCoR Day - Highlight Information

Mississippi State University will host DEPSCoR DAY, a full-day workshop, on Thursday March 20, 2025. Program officers from the Department of Defense (DoD) will present funding opportunities available through the DoD Established Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (DEPSCoR) and related DoD research programs.

DEPSCoR Day - Overall Information

Program officers from the Army, Navy, Air Force and other DoD representatives will participate in the meeting, which will cover the following topics:

  • Working with the DoD, especially ARO, ONR, AFOSR
  • Making connections with DoD research program officers
  • Finding DEPSCoR research funding opportunities
  • Basic research within the DoD
  • One-on-one engagement with relevant program officers.

DEPSCoR Day will be held in the Colvard Student Union on the MSU campus. The event is free and open to researchers and other academic research officers/administrators from all DEPSCoR states. 

Registration is Open!

DEPSCoR Day 2025 Registration Form

DEPSCoR Day - Event and Travel Section

Image Alternative Text: ORED Research Resources Fair - Colvard Union Foster Ballroom.
Image Alternative Text: he American flag flies on a cloudy summer day over Mississippi State University's historic Drill Field.

Starkville Travel & Lodging Information

S.M.A.R.T. bus


Visiting Starkville