National Security Research Organization website

Visit the National Security Research Organization web site to explore the capabilities and business solutions Centers and Institutes offer.

NSRO Website

*NSRO Center/Institute


Alliance for System Safety of UAS through Research Excellence (ASSURE) *

The Federal Aviation Administration’s Center of Excellence for Unmanned Aerial Systems. Comprised of 21 of the world's leading research universities and over a 100 leading industry and government partners and led by MSU, ASSURE is dedicated to turning UAS research into FAA rules to get UAS flying in our national airspace system.


Center for Advanced Vehicular Systems (CAVS)*

CAVS is an interdisciplinary center that provides engineering, research, development, and technology transfer teams focused on solutions to complex problems in areas such as autonomous vehicles, materials science, high-performance computing, advanced controls, and human-machine interaction.

CAVS Web Site

Center for Cyber Innovation (CCI)*

Part the High Performance Computing Collaboratory at Mississippi State University, CCI develops cutting-edge solutions for Defense, Homeland Security and the Intelligence Community. The primary focus of the CCI is to research, prototype and deliver cutting-edge cyber solutions that support global national security, homeland security and peacekeeping operations.

CCI Web Site

Global Center for Aquatic Health and Food Security (GCAHFS) *

GCAHFS aims to reduce world hunger through research that supports sustainable aquaculture and ecological health of aquatic resources and to protect and manage health of aquatic animals, including marine mammals and endangered species, such as sea turtles. The center supports both domestic and international projects in a wide range of natural and social science areas.


High Performance Computing Collaboratory (HPCC)*

HPCC is coalition of member centers and groups that share a common core objective of advancing the state-of-the-art in computational sciences and engineering using high performance computing.

HPCC Web Site

Institute for Computational Research in Engineering and Science (ICRES)*

ICRES is a world-class center of excellence for research, technology and education equipped to address engineering challenges facing the nation's industrial base.

ICRES Web Site

Institute for Imaging and Analytical Technologies (I2AT)*

I2AT unifies the resources of MSU's Electron Microscope Center and Institute for Neurocognitive Science and Technology. The institute houses major research instrumentation representing significant research infrastructure and serves as a university core facility.

I2AT Web Site

Marvin B. Dow Advanced Composites Institute (ACI)*

ACI is an internationally recognized institute of excellence for composites research and technology bridging engineering and fundamental science disciplines at MSU and beyond.

ACI Web Site

Mississippi State Chemical Lab (MSCL)*

MSCL provides analytical data to assure quality, labeling, and safety of fertilizers, animal feeds, human foods, pesticides, and petroleum products in Mississippi. MSCL also checks private water supplies, provides assistance to industry, performs analysis of toxic chemicals for farmers, hospitals, doctors, veterinarians, law enforcement agencies and provides other analyses of interest to our citizens.

MSCL Web Site

National Strategic Planning & Analysis Research Center (nSPARC)*

nSPARC uses administrative data for strategic planning in economic, workforce, business, and community development and provides expertise in the management and analysis of complex administrative databases from various federal, state, regional, and local entities.

nSPARC Web Site

Northern Gulf Institute (NGI)*

NGI is a National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Cooperative Institute, a partnership of six complementary academic institutions and NOAA addressing important national strategic research and educational goals.

NGI Web Site

Raspet Flight Research Laboratory*

The Raspet Flight Research Laboratory advances modern concepts in experimental aviation through the research, development, testing and evaluation of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) using advanced technologies. Raspet also leads the Department of Homeland Security's Systems Demonstration Range Facility for UAS.

Raspet Web Site

Research and Curriculum Unit (RCU)

RCU benefits K-12 and higher education by developing curricula and assessments, providing training and learning opportunities for educators, researching and evaluating programs, supporting and promoting career and technical education, and leading education innovations.

RCU Web Site

Social Science Research Center (SSRC)*

The Social Science Research Center (SSRC) engages in multidisciplinary research to address critical social issues. With 75 years of experience, the SSRC collaborates with faculty, students, and external partners to conduct research and evaluation and promote public service initiatives that benefit communities locally, nationally, and globally.

SSRC Web Site