The Office of Research and Economic Development (ORED) coordinates a number of funding programs for faculty at MSU. Questions concerning these opportunities should be addressed to Dr. Katie Echols at or (662) 325-3570.
Advancing Collaborative Research Program
Consistent with Office of Research goals to spur interdisciplinary research and establish new partnerships within and beyond the institution, the Advancing Collaborative Research Program (ACR) is meant to encourage internal and external collaboration; enable new teams and/or new lines of research; and advance high-potential, high- impact activities to the next level. A successful ACR concept would be of sufficient caliber to achieve several of the following outcomes:
- Promote productive and sustainable interdisciplinary research collaborations among faculty that would otherwise be unlikely to occur.
- Promote work that is high risk, high return, with a potential for high reputational impact.
- Position MSU faculty to compete successfully for significant external funding and long-term sustainability of the research endeavor.
- Promote the development of research activities with significant, long-term commercial potential and/or broad community or global impact.
The ACR Program enables such opportunities by supporting research and scholarship that is leading-edge, interdisciplinary, and lays the groundwork for centers of excellence at Mississippi State University.
Proposals Due: October 15th at 5pm
To learn more about submitting, submission requirements, and to review criteria click the link below.
Collaborative Research Clusters
Bringing together experts from diverse fields can lead to innovative ideas and creative solutions for some of today’s most complex challenges. The Office of Research and Economic Development’s Collaborative Research Clusters (CRC) is aimed at encouraging interdisciplinary research by providing funding to create and support research working groups. These clusters will bring together scholars from MSU’s diverse community to address complex scientific, technological, and societal challenges that transcend individual academic discipline.
A successful cluster should be sufficiently structured to achieve one or more of the following outcomes:
- Promote productive and sustainable research collaborations among faculty across three or more disciplines.
- Promote the development of new theories, methodologies, or technologies to address complex problems.
- Position research teams to compete successfully for external funding.
- Enhance career development opportunities for participating researchers.
The anticipated funding amount per CRC award is $2,000 for one year with the opportunity to apply for a renewal if all project obligations and reporting requirements have been met and approved.
Proposals Due: December 16th at 5pm
To learn more about submitting, submission requirements, and to review criteria click the link below.
Collaborative Research Clusters
Faculty Leadership Internship Program
Talent development at all levels is important to the ongoing success of any organization. As part of developing talent and leadership within the MSU research enterprise, ORED offers scores of seminars and workshops throughout the year. The ORED Faculty Leadership Development Program (FLDP) has long been a flagship professional development opportunity helping faculty learn new skills and develop as faculty leaders in research administration.
As a follow-on to the FLDP, ORED is pleased to announce the second round of the ORED Faculty Leadership Internship Program (FLIP) which was piloted in Fall 2022. This is a two-semester program providing faculty an in-depth, first-hand experience that broadens and deepens understanding of the university research enterprise.
To learn more about submission requirements and review criteria click on the link Faculty Leadership Internship Program below. The InfoReady submission link is located at the top of the page.
Applications are not being accepted at this time.
Faculty Leadership Internship Program
ORED Support for Writing for The Conversation
Publishing your work in The Conversation communicates MSU’s scholarly activities to wider audiences and increases the public’s understanding about the types of work being done at MSU. In order to recognize the importance of sharing research with a wide variety of audiences ORED will provide a $500 incentive for any MSU faculty member whose work is successfully published in The Conversation.
To learn more about submission requirements and review criteria click on the link The Conversation below.
Travel Grants
The ORED Travel Grants are supplemental grants to support faculty travel expenses for presenting research findings at professional conferences, showcasing creative works, or other means of disseminating MSU scholarly activity in professional forums. The grants can also be requested to meet with program managers at funding agencies in the faculty’s scholarly discipline, particularly if they haven’t secured external funding yet.
The ORED Travel Grant resources are limited and therefore awards will be made on a competitive basis. The program will supplement departmental support by providing matching funds (1:1) up to $2,000 per travel. Funds will not be provided for travel that occurred before the application has been reviewed and approved.
Applications must be submitted six (6) weeks prior to travel dates to be considered and will be routed to the appropriate department head and associate dean for research before reviewed by ORED.
FY25 Travel Grant funding has been committed. Applications are being accepted for travel scheduled to take place after July 1, 2025. Any applications submitted for travel prior to July 1, 2025 will be considered if funds become available.
Undergraduate Research Program
The ORED Undergraduate Research Program is intended to foster innovative, faculty-directed research opportunities for undergraduate students. This program is distinct from and complementary to other undergraduate research programs at MSU.
A wide range of projects will be considered as long as the budget explicitly supports undergraduate research. The ideal project will engage one or more undergraduate student(s) in meaningful scholarly activity and may produce results that can be incorporated into a publication or presentation or serve as preliminary results for a proposal submission. Applications for undergrad research projects are due in the spring of each year.
Proposals for the Undergraduate Research Program will be due by April 14th.
To learn more about submission requirements and review criteria click on the link Undergraduate Research Program below. Questions concerning the Undergraduate Research Program should be addressed to: