Advancing Collaborative Research Program


Consistent with Office of Research goals to spur interdisciplinary research and establish new partnerships within and beyond the institution, the Advancing Collaborative Research Program (ACR) is meant to encourage internal and external collaboration; enable new teams and/or new lines of research; and advance high-potential, high- impact activities to the next level. A successful ACR concept would be of sufficient caliber to achieve several of the following outcomes: 

  • Promote productive and sustainable interdisciplinary research collaborations among faculty that would otherwise be unlikely to occur.
  • Promote work that is high risk, high return, with a potential for high reputational impact.
  • Position MSU faculty to compete successfully for significant external funding and long-term sustainability of the research endeavor.
  • Promote the development of research activities with significant, long-term commercial potential and/or broad community or global impact.

The ACR Program enables such opportunities by supporting research and scholarship that is leading-edge, interdisciplinary, and lays the groundwork for centers of excellence at Mississippi State University.


Awards under this program are made through a competitive process, based on a proposal submitted by a multidisciplinary or multi-institutional team of participating faculty.

  • Any full-time MSU faculty whose appointment includes an expectation to conduct research is eligible to apply. Faculty with clinical, instructional, visiting, or adjunct appointments are not eligible.
  • Eligible teams must include two or more MSU faculty from at least two distinct disciplines. ORED strongly encourages the integration of social science and/or humanities scholars.
  • External collaborators from non-MSU organizations are strongly encouraged, but these individuals are not eligible to be the corresponding principal investigator on the proposal.
  • Any principal investigator who has received funding from ORED in the past and has met all current ORED funding obligations is eligible to submit a proposal.
  • Investigators cannot be PI or co-PI on more than one ACR project but may serve as senior personnel on any number of ACR proposals or awards.


The ACR seeds innovative projects that will lead to long-term research success. Projects may take a variety of forms, but should be forward-looking, envisioning where the next frontiers of science will be and how to best position MSU to meet these opportunities. While all topics will be considered, ORED encourages proposals that align with the following areas (in no priority order):

  • Advanced Materials and Manufacturing
  • Agriculture & Natural Resources
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Autonomy
  • Biomedical/Healthcare
  • Data Science
  • Logistics
  • Machine Learning
  • Metallurgy Manufacturing
  • Sensors & Diagnostics
  • STEM Education

ACR proposals should seek to expand multi-disciplinary collaborations that will improve research competitiveness. Proposals submitted under this track should already have identified a team of collaborators and a specific research objective for which this funding is necessary to advance. Proposals should provide a clear and concise description of activities in support of the overall goals of the collaboration. A description of measurable and realistic outcomes anticipated upon completion of the proposed project should also be detailed. Support for these proposals should not exceed $15,000 in year one and $30,000 in year two, subject to an annual progress review and the availability of funding. A funding amplifier is available (see below).


Each ACR project should identify an external funding opportunity they intend to pursue within 18 months of the start of the award. To best position the team for success, the Office of Research Development (ORD) will provide tailored support based on the needs of each project. Project leadership will be expected to meet with the ORD staff within the first 30 days of the award.


To encourage greater collaboration with Minority Serving Institutions (MSI), including Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU), and institutions within EPSCoR jurisdictions, an additional $10,000 per year is available for proposals that include faculty from these institutions with a defined role on the project.

Letters of commitment with sufficient detail of the meaningful contribution of the collaborator are required to receive the funding amplifier. The list of current EPSCoR jurisdictions can be found at the following link More information about MSIs and HBCUs can be found here:

Project teams are eligible to apply for a renewal at the end of the award if all project obligations and reporting requirements have been met and approved.


All proposals will be evaluated using the following merit review criteria:

  • Scope and Significance: Does the proposal address an important problem? If its aims are achieved, how will scientific, cultural, or artistic knowledge be advanced? What will be the effect on the concepts or methods that drive this field?
  • Team Composition: Does the composition of the investigators indicate a high probability for development of the project into an area of prominence and leadership?
  • Collaboration: Does the proposal support collaborations among faculty in varying disciplines, departments, colleges and/or institutions?
  • Risk: Does the proposed work represent a high risk/high return proposition? Does the proposed articulate a credible plan to mitigate that risk and optimize the chance for reward?
  • Arts and Humanities: In cases where extramural support is not commonly available, does the proposal demonstrate how greater distinction to the proposed initiative and to the University will ensue through dissemination or presentation in significant venues or publications?
  • Value Added: Can the proposed research or scholarship be achieved at MSU in the absence of this support? Why is this a good investment for MSU? Is there a strong probability that this project will lead to enhanced MSU reputation and future external support? Is there a credible possibility that the work could lead to future commercial opportunity?
  • Securing Future Resources: Does this project clearly define how it will use the grant funds to build paths to obtain identifiable and sustainable external funding that will support the research theme in the future?


  • All awards are for 24 months beginning.
  • All projects must meet the approvals for use of human and animal subjects, if applicable.
  • General purpose equipment and computer purchases are not permitted under this program.
  • Scientific equipment may be allowed with clear justification for it’s necessary to achieve the project’s goals.
  • Funds may not be used for faculty or researcher salaries/benefits; however, student salary support is allowable.
  • Awards do not pay for consultants.
  • Funds may not be used as cash advances for expenses.
  • Awards are not assessed MSU facilities & administration costs (i.e., indirect costs).
  • Awardees have discretion in the budgeting and re-budgeting of funds to meet their needs within the MSU guidelines and terms of the proposal. However, funds may not be transferred to another project, to other researchers, or other institutions without prior approval.
  • An annual review of every funded project will take place prior to the completion of each year of funding. Continued funding is contingent on the outcome of the annual review.
  • No-cost extensions are not guaranteed. Request beyond three months from the end of the award will require a detailed justification signed by the PI’s college dean.


Proposals should be no more than five (5) pages, single-spaced, 12-pt font and include the following elements:

COVER PAGE (not included in the pages count):

  • Proposal Title
  • Principal Investigator name and contact information
  • Names and contact information for collaborators/collaborating institutions


  • Focus and justification of proposed project, including basic goals and objectives
  • List major activities/projects for the collaboration, include a timeline
  • Identify the role/contribution of each collaborator
  • Benefits/Impacts of the proposed project to MSU and Mississippi
  • Plan for sustainability and external funding
  • Current capabilities and limitations
  • Specific metrics that will be used to evaluate the success of the collaboration

SUPPLEMENTAL DOCUMENTS (not included in the pages count):

  • PI/Co-PI 2-page biosketch/curriculum vitae
  • A letter of commitment from all named collaborators
  • Provide a requested budget, broken down by category, year
  • Include a short budget justification. Must include compelling justification for any subaward funding.
  • References, if applicable


Proposals should be submitted as a single file PDF in InfoReady: (

Proposals Due: October 15th at 5pm

ORED Contact: Dr. Katie Echols 


All applications will be screened for compliance with stated eligibility and budgetary criteria and adherence to proposal submission instructions. Non-compliant proposals will be returned without review.