Collaborative Research Clusters


Bringing together experts from diverse fields can lead to innovative ideas and creative solutions for some of today’s most complex challenges. The Office of Research and Economic Development’s Collaborative Research Clusters (CRC) is aimed at encouraging interdisciplinary research by providing funding to create and support research working groups. These clusters will bring together scholars from MSU’s diverse community to address complex scientific, technological, and societal challenges that transcend individual academic discipline.

A successful cluster should be sufficiently structured to achieve one or more of the following outcomes:

  • Promote productive and sustainable research collaborations among faculty across three or more disciplines.
  • Promote the development of new theories, methodologies, or technologies to address complex problems.
  • Position research teams to compete successfully for external funding.
  • Enhance career development opportunities for participating researchers.

The anticipated funding amount per CRC award is $2,000 for one year with the opportunity to apply for a renewal if all project obligations and reporting requirements have been met and approved.


Full-time MSU faculty whose appointment includes the expectation to conduct research are eligible to apply. Any principal investigator who has received funding from ORED in the past and has met all current ORED funding obligations is eligible to submit a proposal. Faculty may be PI/Co-Director on only one award.


All awards are expected to meet the following requirements:


The Collaborative Research Clusters are designed to build multi-disciplinary working groups capable of addressing complex research challenges. To ensure successful incorporation of diverse disciplines, each cluster must have co- directors drawn from at least two distinct disciplinary areas, which may include the sciences and professional schools. At least one co-director must be from a social science or humanities discipline.

Within the first 30 days of award, the co-directors will be expected to meet with the Office of Research Development (ORD) to discuss the research direction of the cluster and identify relevant ORD resource in support of the goals.


Collaborative Research Clusters should seek to engage interested individuals from across MSU’s diverse research community. Proposals should identify founding members of the cluster and provide a plan for expanding that membership. There are no restrictions for who may engage with the cluster.


Each CRC award is expected to carryout activities that will promote interdisciplinary research activities. Proposed activities should include a minimum of two meetings or events each semester and at least one proposal submission to an external funder. The project description should explicitly identify any external funding opportunities the group will pursue.


Awardees are expected to provide updated information for the ORED website, to include contact information for engaging with the cluster. Awardees must also submit a brief progress report to ORED within 60 days of the award end date. The PI may be asked to submit brief follow up information regarding extramural funding, publications, etc. for up to three years after the award.


Proposals should be no more than three (3) pages, single-spaced, 12-pt font, and include the following elements:

COVER PAGE (not included in the pages count):

  • Proposal Title
  • Principal Investigator name, primary research discipline, and contact information
  • Name, primary research discipline, and contact information for each additional co-director
  • Names of committed cluster members at time of application


  • Description of your topic area that clearly and concisely explains its significance and your desired objectives as a group
  • List major activities/projects, include a timeline
  • Identify external funding opportunities the group will pursue
  • Plan for recruiting new members to the group

SUPPLEMENTARY DOCUMENTS (not included in the pages count):

  • PI/Co-director 2-page biosketch/curriculum vitae
  • A letter of support from each PI/co-director’s dean
  • Brief budget and budget justification


All proposals will be evaluated using the following merit review criteria:

  • Scope and Significance: Does the cluster address an important research question with the potential for significant impact?
  • Cluster Composition: What is the multi-disciplinary composition of the cluster and how will it be expanded? Does the leadership reflect a commitment to the engagement of diverse disciplines?
  • Collaboration: Will the proposed activities effectively promote interdisciplinary collaborations?
  • Securing Future Resources: Does this project clearly identify plans for securing external funding?
  • Sustainability: Is the group likely to sustain a certain level of activity after the CRC award ends?


  • All awards are for 12 months.
  • Funds may not be used for faculty or researcher salaries/benefits.
  • No-cost extensions are not guaranteed.


Proposals should be submitted as a single file PDF via InfoReady:

Proposals Due: December 16th at 5pm

ORED Contact: Dr. Katie Echols 


All applications will be screened for compliance with stated eligibility and budgetary criteria and adherence to proposal submission instructions. Non-compliant proposals will be returned without review.