ORED Travel Grants



The ORED Travel Grants are supplemental grants to support faculty travel expenses for presenting research findings at professional conferences, showcasing creative works, or other means of disseminating MSU scholarly activity in professional forums. The grants can also be requested to meet with program managers at funding agencies in the faculty’s scholarly discipline, particularly if they haven’t secured external funding yet.

The ORED Travel Grant resources are limited and therefore awards will be made on a competitive basis. The program will supplement departmental support by providing matching funds (1:1) up to $2,000 per travel. Funds will not be provided for travel that occurred before the application has been reviewed and approved.


Full-time MSU faculty whose appointment includes the expectation to conduct research are eligible to apply. Faculty with visiting or adjunct appointments are not eligible. Faculty who have received funding from ORED in the past and have met all current ORED funding obligations are eligible to apply.


The following criteria will be considered in the merit review of the travel grants:

  • Faculty member has been accepted to present, exhibit, or perform original scholarly or creative work at a major regional, national, or international professional conference or event. If acceptance is pending at the time a travel grant application is submitted, it will still be reviewed, but any ORED approval will be provisional.
  • All conferences must be peer-reviewed; highly selective conferences are encouraged.
  • Conference presentations should advance the department or college area of excellence.
  • Likelihood for the proposed travel to lead to opportunities to attract external funding.
  • Overall quality of the application.
  • Priority consideration will be given to non-STEM faculty and/or presentations and those who do not have access to alternate funding sources such as remaining startup, discretionary, and/or grant funding.

Application Requirements

Applications must be submitted six (6) weeks prior to travel dates to be considered and will be routed to the appropriate department head and associate dean for research before reviewed by ORED. Complete the online application using the "Faculty Login" link at the bottom of the page, and include the following: 

  • Conference/forum information, including dates, location, and event website. 
  • Estimated travel expenses in a budget (registration, airfare, ground transportation, lodging, and meals.) 
  • Amount and source of committed resources to support the travel (departmental, college, other, etc.). 
  • Single file PDF (1 page) that includes a description of the scholarly/creative activity and justification for the travel that includes an explanation of how it is relevant to the discipline, will advance your research agenda/professional development, and contribute to the success of the department, college, and/or MSU. 
  • Confirmation of the presentation/performance, uploaded as a single file PDF. If acceptance is pending at the time of application, provide documentation of the current status. 
  • Curriculum vita, uploaded as a single file PDF. 

Grant Procedures

The applicant will receive email notification as soon as the application is approved. After the trip is completed and a post travel report is submitted, ORED will provide the approved matching funds to the appropriate departmental designated (20) fund number with a research program code. Reimbursement will only be provided for the travel specified in the application. 

Provisional approval may be provided if confirmation of the presentation/performance is still pending at the time the application is submitted. Confirmation of acceptance will be required prior to the travel dates for final approval.

Post-Travel Requirements

Within one week of travel, awarded faculty must log in to this portal and provide:

  1. a summary of the trip
  2. a copy of the Concur travel form/record of travel expenses, and
  3. a 20 account number for reimbursement.


  1. All travel that is to be reimbursed with any university funds must be approved in advance (i.e. a Concur travel form must be completed).
  2. Reimbursement will be provided based on actual expenses.
  3. ORED will provide reimbursement to the appropriate departmental 20 account number after travel is completed and the report is submitted.
  4. Please work with your business manager to determine which 20 account number is appropriate for reimbursement from ORED and provide that information. Since the purpose of the program is to provide travel support for research activities, the original expense must have been charged correctly within the department with a research program code.

Contact Katie Echols at katie@ored.msstate.edu with any questions about the program.

Faculty Login